unit 46: Affirmations

Affirmations, or beliefs, are wonderful tools for achieving self-set goals. If you want to live your own wishes and not just the wishes of other people, you can use such beliefs to strengthen, underpin and individually align your own path. The aim of these formulated sentences is to provide your subconscious with new positive information. Do not live the life that marketing companies want to impose on you through advertising or people in your private and professional environment with their ideas. If you want to change something for the better, be healthier and more successful, increase your self-confidence or simply want to enjoy a better quality of life, you will be amazed what you can achieve with the right application. Usually, words or whole sentences are used for this, which you formulate in the early morning, in the evening before going to bed or during a meditation. Just go inside and imagine your own personal beliefs in a vivid way, preferably with great feeling. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Affirmations should always be positive. What is important to you, what would you like to become, experience or achieve in the near future? How do you see yourself or how should your environment perceive you? The secret of a positive effect lies in using your words (sutras) or beliefs as if they had already been fulfilled. Move it to the here and now and imagine that you have already lived and realized it. Visualize how you should be seen by other people. Just imagine a picture of yourself with people, objects, or situations that describe how you would like to be in a month, a year, or at some point in your future. For example, see yourself on a stage where people already admire you because of your specific skills. Save the resulting positive feelings and emotions inside you. Mentally go over your personal affirmations, or better yet, say them out loud and do this several times a day. You will change.
Let us take the example: »I am healthy.« Feel into your body. Try to feel every cell in your body. Expand your consciousness in your body sending love and healing to all cells. Say thank you for the excellent work your body is doing and keep saying or thinking, »I'm healthy! Every cell in my body is vital and full of life energy and I thank each one for their task, which they perform every day for the benefit of all cells and the whole body.« As you do this, imagine and feel this feeling of love and being loved. This sensing and introduction of love and joy gives you a feeling of peace and health and your cells will perceive it. Here are some examples of popular beliefs that you can use:

  • I am healthy.
  • I love my family and live in perfect harmony with them and my surroundings.
  • I am grateful for this beautiful day.
  • I live in financial abundance.Ich lebe in finanzieller Fülle.
  • All problems are already solved.
  • I am 10 kg lighter.
  • I am 10 years younger.
  • I am successful in what I do if it contributes to my positive life.
  • I am surrounded by beauty and wealth.Ich bin umgeben von Schönheit und Reichtum.
  • I feel better every day.
  • I am free.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am loved.
  • I live abundantly.
  • I am beautiful the way I am.
  • Every breath gives me positive energy and new strength.
  • I am the creator of my own life in every moment.
It would be wrong to include negations in your beliefs, because your subconscious is not aware of them. An example of a wrong belief is: »I don't want to be unhappy.« Your subconscious simply skips over this »not« and what remains is then: »I want to be unhappy.« Another negative example: »I want to be successful in what I do.« This can happen in both a positive and a negative sense. Consequently, with this formulation you are also successful in implementing negative aspects. It is better: »I am successful when it is beneficial for me and my continued positive development.«
Afterwards I will show you my own personal affirmation, which I integrated into my sun salutation every morning shortly before the actual meditation and my energy work. Over the years I kept adding a sentence and that's how I live this deeply anchored affirmation. You are welcome to use them, but it is better to let yourself be inspired and write down what is particularly important to you in your life and what you would like to change and achieve. Everyone goes their own way, experiences their own reality and wants to have their own personal experiences. Everyone has the right to live their own life, provided they allow others to do so. No experience is better or worse than another, as all of them contribute to your personal spiritual transformation and growth. Your personal self decides which potential you want to use. The Creator makes everything available to us and we can develop our personality in any direction we wish if our will is big enough. We are able to develop all the personality traits given to us and to allow ourselves to mature into an independent personality. We have all the time in the world for that, as there is no death. God gave us free will and he lets us act according to our decisions and inclinations. In doing so, he gives us true freedom. You can end up including one person or a whole group of people in your daily affirmation. Please remember to include your enemies or anyone you may dislike. Take in people you might be at odds with, people who did bad things to you. Forgive them and pray for everyone, regardless of whether they appear bad or good to you from your current perspective. Jesus on the cross also once said: »Lord, forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing!«, although these very people had just nailed him to the cross. This is pure wisdom and shows us that Jesus knew that we are much more than our physical body and that ultimately we are all one.
With regular use, affirmations reinforce your personal goals in life and focus on who or what you would like to be. You focus your thoughts and direct your beliefs to a larger whole and develop faster into a self-confident higher being. Even if it sometimes seems that luck is not on your side - don't wait, just create it yourself. Start now, yes, right now, and give yourself a smile.

My daily affirmation

With my experiences I live the knowledge that I am one in YOU as an immortal spirit, I recognize the TRUTH and REALITY and act accordingly. As Christ I unfold my divinity, I overcome all fears and limits and live in perfect wisdom and enlightenment. For this I have unrestricted access to all information that I use at any moment. We are all one in YOU. I am that, I am. Salvation is mine now and in eternity. Heavenly Father, you give me your everlasting love and healing, I take this up as the basis of all my thoughts and actions, I take your love into my heart and into every cell of my body.

Today I am sharing this love and healing with…. [Name of one or more people with whom this love is to be shared]. Let me remind you again, include people here who you don't like right now, with whom you may be at odds, or people who have hurt you. This may seem difficult or impossible at first, but with each forgiveness your soul will perfect itself a little and you will feel better and better.